Dadnamics Live! Episode 5 Rock Song

Dadnamics Live! 300-Word Takeaway

DISCLAIMER: DADS, DO NOT try this Dadnamics idea without the express written consent and help of your wife (or other responsible party sitting in the car with you)! I got in BIG trouble. In my defense, it was late morning and the highway was empty. Does that help, MOMS?

A good friend of mine, Larry Hagner, has built an amazing community called the “Dad’s Edge” and the associated podcast, “The Good Dad Project”. In his book, he lays out a game-changing chapter on connecting with your kids in every which way but Sunday. Do something with all of them together, 1-on-1, stay local, and travel with them somewhere for 48 hours. Larry intentionally designs these times into his calendar.

I know what you’re thinking. Overload. I can barely schedule a Saturday for my kids!

See that! You’re calendar is already set for the year! Of course, there’s no open space. We are Dads and the world hangs in our balance (at least we feel it does). Larry builds these time blocks early in the year. They give their kids priority along with work trips, activities, and projects. And they even schedule time for them as a couple.

In our household, our kids know these blocks as “Special Time with Dad“. I have 4 kids. It’s hard spread the time equally and to do it with quality. That’s why I add Dadnamics. It BOOSTS the POST! Ummm, that darn Zuckerberg! He’s constantly adding new terms to our Lexicon! Anyway, there will be more on boosting, but just know that creative connection goes deeper.

Rambling over. I decided to take my two older boys to my sister’s college graduation – “Special Time”. We had a 4 hour drive and I needed one of those boosts…

I hope you enjoy “Rock Song” and remember – DISCLAIMER!

Published by

Ken Carfagno

Along his journey from artist to engineer to entrepreneur, Ken Carfagno became a dad. And like many new dads, his kids inspired a long-forgotten gift. Ken could make up stories and draw his kids into them. This sparked a dream that lead to Dadnamics, the infusion of creativity, adventure, and silliness into dad time. And it lead to the Arctic Land experience.