Dadnamics Live! Episode 1 Alligatorade Race

Dadnamics Live! 300-Word Takeaway

There is a popular expression, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Is it that simple? Yes… but it’s not easy. Here’s an example.

Lemons: You’re up from 2am-6am, cleaning up several bouts of yesterday’s dinner. It’s the attack of the dreaded stomach bug. Ever been there?

Lemonade: You bring your son and find a way to play in the grocery store while buying electrolytes and crackers for the wounded soldiers at home.

You can use Dadnamics to enhance anything, whether it’s a boring errand or appointment, an exciting outing, or even a 15-minute dash to the store. My 4-year-old, Kolby and I did just that. We left the carnage of home base and bolted to the grocery store for “supplies”. When I grabbed the Gatorade off the shelf, an idea budded.

“Hmmm… alli-Gatorade.What if I transformed the juice into flesh-biting reptiles?!”

So I made alligator growl and chomp sounds and designed a shopping cart escape plan. Since this was my first time ever recording, the first take didn’t go so well. The race itself was fun, but I hit stop too soon and the picture was bouncing around like the bellies at home. I had most of our heads cut off (not by alligators, by the camera). Plus, a mystery man was wandering aisles and accidentally slipped into our movie. He apologized after, although not really sure for what.

Take 2 went much better. Kolby loved it! I loved it! Employees tolerated it.

The best part of all was the re-appearance of the Mystery Man. Check out the 0:37 minute mark. His pivot, head cock, and stare is classic! I laugh every time.

Kolby and I went back to the war zone with huge smiles, talking about our race. What do you think he remembered most from getting sick?

Welcome to Dadnamics Live!

This is officially the first Dadnamics Live! video from April 17th, 2015. I mean, I’m used to acting like a big kid in public places with my kids. It’s always been fun, but it was definitely a stretch (even for me) to press the record button.

That’s a huge part of the formula. First you get a Dadnamic idea and then you must face your fears to act it out. For me, recording myself was difficult. But I got over it! You will get over it too. If you have kids ages 2 to 12, try some of these ideas out. Overcome any fears you have and watch how much fun you guys have. More importantly, the memories you create will last. These videos will become a video blog called Dadnamics Live! My goal is to give you ideas, show you the benefits, and to entertain you and your kids. Trust me Dads, you CAN do this thing too…

Quick Instructions for Dadnamics Live!

Each video has been labeled with a recommended age group and Dadnamics level. There are 3 levels. Think of a dial or knob and the more you turn it, the louder the volume or output. The dial represents your level of creativity, adventure, and silliness.

Published by

Ken Carfagno

Along his journey from artist to engineer to entrepreneur, Ken Carfagno became a dad. And like many new dads, his kids inspired a long-forgotten gift. Ken could make up stories and draw his kids into them. This sparked a dream that lead to Dadnamics, the infusion of creativity, adventure, and silliness into dad time. And it lead to the Arctic Land experience.