Dadnamics Live! Episode XXXIII The Fun Awakens

Dadnamics Live! 300-Word Takeaway

Millions of Dads took their kids to see Star Wars over the past few weeks. And so did Dadnamics Live!

Before the movie started, I leaned over to the patrons on my right. “At some point, I’ll be making a quick video of me and my son. There will be a bright flash for a few seconds.”

They were fine with it, but would cinema staff be so accepting? I’m with my boy and Dadnamics was worth the risk!

The famous Star Wars intro crawl began, along with my camera’s brief streak of light. We then thoroughly enjoyed Episode VII, goofing off a bit, eating popcorn, and drinking Cherry Coke.

When the final credits rolled, I captured some more video. Admittedly, I was trying to add Dadnamics because I knew it would impress our memories deeper. However, It was during the filming of our 3rd video when an idea exploded like the Death Star. Boom!

We waited until the theatre cleared out and I said, “Come get me, Jedi!”

We ran up and down, across, back and forth waving our imaginary light sabers and using the Force to cripple the other. That revved us up big time, so we continued to clown around with more Jedi games in the outer corridors and hiding behind pillars.

Then we got to the huge Kung-Fu Panda 3 promo display. We were too far gone down Jedi Road to care that 50+people watched us act like 11 year olds. And it didn’t stop there. We horsed around playing more Jedi all the way to the car. We cracked up. It was awesome!

I learned through Jedi mind-power that you can’t Force Dadnamics. It must Awaken. Thus, the Fun Awakens. Use these videos for ideas, but let it come naturally. It works better that way.

Welcome to Dadnamics Live!

Okay, I’ve been doing this stuff with my kids for years, but it wasn’t until April 2015 that I began recording my Dadnamic Adventures. At first, it was awkward. Not anymore. I now have 30+ video examples of Dadnamics, thus the name of my new YouTube channel and video blog called Dadnamics Live! My goal is to give you ideas, show you the benefits, and to entertain you and your kids. Trust me Dads, you CAN do this thing too…

Quick Instructions for Dadnamics Live!

Each video has been labeled with a recommended age group and Dadnamics level. There are 3 levels. Think of a dial or knob and the more you turn it, the louder the volume or output. The dial represents your level of creativity, adventure, and silliness.

Published by

Ken Carfagno

Along his journey from artist to engineer to entrepreneur, Ken Carfagno became a dad. And like many new dads, his kids inspired a long-forgotten gift. Ken could make up stories and draw his kids into them. This sparked a dream that lead to Dadnamics, the infusion of creativity, adventure, and silliness into dad time. And it lead to the Arctic Land experience.