Dadnamics Live! Episode 40 Weight of Fatherhood

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or unprepared as a Dad?

Have you ever wondered how you will provide for the needs of your growing family?

How about this one… have you ever felt like the weight of the world was pulling you down?

I have. All the time.

If you answered “no” to these questions, you’re lying!

I hope this video is an encouragement to you, in a figurative sort of way. The weight of fatherhood is a heavy burden to carry. We do it sacrificially and usually without fanfare. We do it day after day because we were taught to provide for our family.

I’m not going to dive into an overused dad-blog topic on the provider roles of dad. Instead, I am just going to admit that provider means “all of the above”. This includes financial, emotional, social, and spiritual. The weight of fatherhood is certainly a heavy load.

Don’t do it alone. Get connected with other dads in community. Check out my friend Larry Hagner’s, Top-iTunes Family Podcast, “The Good Dad Project“. He understands how to connect dads, so we don’t have to travel alone.


Published by

Ken Carfagno

Along his journey from artist to engineer to entrepreneur, Ken Carfagno became a dad. And like many new dads, his kids inspired a long-forgotten gift. Ken could make up stories and draw his kids into them. This sparked a dream that lead to Dadnamics, the infusion of creativity, adventure, and silliness into dad time. And it lead to the Arctic Land experience.